Maria Jose Ríos, Santiago, Chile
Visual artist from the Finis terrae University (1998), she has developed installation and painting projects, participating in different collective and individual projects. She began by exploring the dematerialization of painting, the installation, and then dedicating herself to the wardrobe as a support for artistic discourses.
From there she has continued to explore the possibilities of clothing as a second skin, incorporating elements of analog and digital electronics. Today she investigates the idea of wearables as a third skin that amplifies the senses and ways of relating to others. In 2015, the Vestibles event on art, technology and clothing took place, with international and national guests, achieving great local and Latin American repercussions, publishing a magazine with reflections on the subject. She lives and works in Santiago de Chile as the founder of the Vestibles platform, generating networks, dissemination, classes, publication and research from various technological and theoretical levels.
Shih Wei Chieh, Taiwan
Shih Wei Chieh works with wearable art, e-textile, laser audiovisual, he’s also a self-taught material researcher. His “Laser Dye” Project in 2015, innovate how to print textile pattern by laser projection and cyanotype, which inspire his interests for material science and the collaboration between ancient craftsmanship and new media art, as well as the sociological mean behind the scene. He’s the founder of “Tribe Against Machine”, a project seeks inspiration for material design in ancient practices. He is current research is about how to make photosensitive textile and solar cell made with plants dye in DIY method and the mean of modern appropriate technology. Further more, he is exploring a self-standalone earthship greenhouse system which can be solar powered by plants dye.
Satoki Matsushita, Japan
Satoki Matsushita is a Research Fellow at the Academia Sinica, Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA). He is currently a project leader of the Greenland Telescope (GLT), and a representative of the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Taiwan team. He was a Commissioning Scientist of ALMA before, and used to live in Chile between 2010 and 2011 to make the ALMA from the delivered engineering quality to observable with science quality. In this I_c project, he gave advice about ALMA and interferometry. He was also an Expert Visitor of ALMA for the long baseline campaigns, and made the ALMA possible to achieve very high spatial resolution images.
Ricardo Vega M. Santiago, Chile
He is designer, artist, programmer and cultural manager. With studies in Technology, Art, Design, Philosophy of Science, Information Visualization and Data Science. He develops projects linking data, graphics and code. He teaches at the School of Design, and is director of Diploma in Data Visualization, Catholic University in Chile. He is the founder of C80.cl, a project that since 2015 uses visualizations to support the understanding of the Chilean Constitution of 1980. He has participated in exhibitions, conferences and presentations in Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Spain, Estonia, among others. He lives and works in Santiago, Chile.
Schedule and Topics
Shih Wei Chieh 14:00 - 14:30
“Having Friends in the Future, I_C Project, Tribe Against Machine, Laser Dye Project”
I’d love to introduce the international communities I have known in the recent year and the events we organized together. From the Having Friends in the Future 2020/2021, an online residency I organized with National Craftsmanship Research Design Institute (NTCRI). I will then introduce my part in this collective project I_C project and the current progress of other artists in this project too. The last part I will explain my attempts in the works in this exhibition, including how I implement my technique “Laser Dye” in the works in this exhibition to data visualization the FITS datas from ALMA and Gaian archive.
Ricardo Vega 14:30 - 15:00
“Data as material for an aesthetic experience”
Data visualization is usually oriented to functional and analytical representations, which are oriented to the rational and efficient understanding of data. But there is an opportunity to explore other perspectives of representation, giving space for the expression of individual subjectivity. In this brief presentation, Ricardo will show his process on creating art projects by taking astronomical data for image creation to explore a subjective aesthetics approach.
Maria Jose Ríos 15:00 - 15:30
“Art, design, creation. education, technologies: multidisciplinarity”
Visual artist from the Finis terrae University (1998), she has developed installation and painting projects, participating in different collective and individual projects. She began by exploring the dematerialization of painting, the installation, and then dedicating herself to the wardrobe as a support for artistic discourses.
From there she has continued to explore the possibilities of clothing as a second skin, incorporating elements of analog and digital electronics. Today she investigates the idea of wearables as a third skin that amplifies the senses and ways of relating to others. In 2015, the Vestibles event on art, technology and clothing took place, with international and national guests, achieving great local and Latin American repercussions, publishing a magazine with reflections on the subject. She lives and works in Santiago de Chile as the founder of the Vestibles platform, generating networks, dissemination, classes, publication and research from various technological and theoretical levels.
Satoki Matsushita 16:00 - 16:30
“ALMA, Black Hole, and Relation with Art”
ALMA (Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array) is the biggest millimeter-/submillimeter-wave interferometer in the world, located at the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. It now produces a lot of beautiful astronomical images of stars and galaxies. Recently, it also joined in the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) observations, and showed the black hole shadow image for the first time with other millimeter-/submillimeter telescopes all over the world. In this talk, I will explain what ALMA and EHT are, how it works, what images have been achieved so far, and relation with art.